Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to Study: Midterm/Finals

Finals are already here! I feel like it has come by so fast! It is insane!!! In Grad School, it feels like the semester starts and bam! Midterms are already here. It comes so fast. Then there are finals! Anyway, here are some tips to help you guys with those dreaded midterms! Being in Grad school and taking midterms are not much different than undergrad. The only thing I would say is because most grad students also work, we just have less time to study than the average undergrad student does. So, I decided to come up with some tips that can help everyone out, even if its not during midterms, we can always use some study tips. 

Find time! 
Okay, this may be a little hard during grad school, but finding time to study is key. Even if you have 15 minutes in between classes, or 15 minutes in between things at work, take out your notes and read them over. I cannot over emphasize how those 15 minutes can help you out so much. 
Take notes while you read!
I find this to be one of the best study tips I personally use. In grad school, there is an abundance of reading that is required. Lets be honest, you are not going to remember every little thing you read, unless you are Dr. Reid from Criminal Minds. If you are, then you really don't even need to read my tips. If not, I would suggest take notes while you read. Instead of re-reading everything, you can go back to your notes to study. 
Study in a quiet place!
So this is so important when studying! Going to the library and just sitting there does not count as studying..just saying! Find a quiet place, whether it is the library, your room or apartment so a place on campus. Finding a quiet place allows you to simply focus on what you are there for with no distractions.
Turn off all electronics! 
This is part of that distraction thing. Put your phone on silent and keep in away from you. If you have to block certain websites if you need to use a computer. It is better to not have any electronics around. Come on you know you will be temped to check your messages and go on Facebook or twitter. The less distractions the better it will be for you to focus on what you need to when studying. 
Don't cram!
Yes you read that right. Do not cram! Trust me, you will not retain any information. Instead of cramming, study beforehand. Lets say a week or so in advance. This way, you have enough time to retain the information and be able to understand it, not just memorize. If you read your notes when you have spare time, this will make it so much easier for you. Pulling all nighters in Grad school is not as fun as it used to be during those undergrad years. 
Take Breaks!
Yes please take breaks! You need time for your brain to relax. It goes along with cramming. If you try to remember all the information at once, odds are you are not going to remember anything!  We do not want that do we? So take breaks. Study for an hour, take a half hour break.
Eat a good breakfast! Okay I know you heard this one before! But it is true. Eat a good breakfast in the morning before your test and you will have enough energy to knock that bad boy out the park!  If your classes are during the evening, like most Grad classes are, I would suggest having a snack before the exam. You do not want to have a heavy meal that will make you tired during your exam, but something light that will keep your tummy from rumbling. 
Get a good night sleep before the exam! Yes, you heard this one before too, but studies prove that when you get a good night sleep, you will perform better. Why? Well your rested of course! No one wants to take and exam tired.