Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What I learned from my HORRIBLE college roomie

So let me give you a little history before I go into my Horror Story! So I graduated from Undergrad in 2014 and I never lived off campus during those four years of college. Anyway, one of my friends moved out right after graduation. She just got a new roommate and she was telling me how horrible this person is...literally we were talking about it a few hours ago. It got me to reminisce about that one roommate I had that I swear I wanted to kill! 

So here it is..my roommate horror story and what I learned! 

Back during Freshman year, I moved into a suite with another freshman girl. The entire suite, besides us two were seniors. Now I know you are probably thinking it is the seniors who make this horror story, nope it was my very roommate. So before moving in, we emailed and talked about things we liked and didn't like. It was like roommate expectations. For instance, I made sure to note that I am a neat freak, she said it was all good because she was extremely clean. Well, that was a lie! 

So we moved in together and the first few days were great...and then the horror started! 
So let me explain how neat I am, I do my bed every mourning, make sure everything is away, no clothes hanging out of my closet, or dirty clothes on the floor, every weekend I do a nice cleaning. Is that too bad? I don't think so. 

Anyway, so she started to not make her bed..not so much a big deal to me, only thing her comforter was hanging off her bed onto the middle of the floor. Clothes would hang outside her closet..looked liked a tornado, but she didn't even close her closet so everyone could see how crazy it looked, and ohh the worst part which really got me...she would leave her dirty clothes all over the floor...including panties! THAT WAS LIKE WHAT GOT ME THE MOST! Who leaves dirty panties on the floor? Like really that is so disgusting! 

I tried to have a conversation with her, told her how unhygienic that is. No wants to see dirty panties on the floor! She said she would try better...did that happen? No! I was getting so fed up! Like really..I could not stand to bring anyone to my room nor could I stand to want to be in my own room. Then the worst of the worst happened. She left a tampon applicator out on our dresser! 

And that is when I wanted to kill her! Literally kill her! So I had a nice little conversation..more like a one-sided conversation and told her how disgusting that was! Our room was closest to the bathroom and she could have gone there or threw it out in the garbage. 

What did I learn?
1. Make sure the person you move in with is clean
2. Make a cleaning chart-this way the person is sure to clean
3. Never move in with someone without meeting them first