Monday, April 25, 2016

Favorite School Supplies: Grad School Edition

One of my favorite things (as mentioned before) is shopping for school supplies. I don't know what it is about school supplies that I love shopping for. Pens, highlighters, cute all excites me! (I'm a wierdo, I know!)

So my classes don't start until next week and I already did my school supply shopping! There really isn't much of a difference when shopping for Grad school, than Undergrad. It's all about personal preference. Much of the things I use are basically the same. Besides binders. During Undergrad, I liked to use notebooks, binders were never my thing, until Grad school.

Here are my recommendations & favorites!

1. Binders
In Grad School, I have more of a preference for binders instead of notebooks. Binders make it easy to add pages and take out, especially when studying for exams. I personally like to take notes while I read, and in class, so binders make it easy to just add a page to something if we talk about it during class. It is great to keep all your classes also in one place. No need to carry around a trillion notebooks. 

2. Pens
These Paper Mate ball point pens are my absolute favorite! They write so smooth and I just love them. You know how everyone has that one favorite pen, well these are mine. I personally do not use pencils, I am a pen kind of girl and these are my go to pens.